On October 7, 2019, Stacy Wolfe was diagnosed with breast cancer. After genetic testing, it was discovered that she had a CHEK 2 mutation and underwent a radical mastectomy. After surgery, it was discovered that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes and she underwent surgery to remove all lymph nodes three weeks later. After twelve weeks of chemotherapy and 33 radiation treatments she finally heard the words, "we do not detect cancer in your body!" God had answered the prayers of her family and friends!
However, on June 3, 2021, she learned that her breast cancer had returned and had metastasized to her lungs and bones. She began oral chemo and consulted with MD Anderson to confirm her treatments. It was then that her desire to help others, in their cancer journey, strengthened and began to come together.
Through a CT scan in August 2022, Stacy learned that her cancer was growing and treatments had to change. She underwent chemo treatments, every 3 weeks to attack the cancer.
At the beginning of her journey, a friend shared Psalm 112:7 with her, "They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them." Their family clung to these words to carry them through the darkest season of their lives! They were loved on and cared for through friends and family and knew they wanted to do the same one day. God laid it on Stacy's heart to start a foundation. Her desire is to support and encourage those fighting cancer and to help meet immediate needs of their families. This is one small way they can help others in the same way they were cared for.
In June of 2023, Stacy learned that her cancer had grown to her brain and began brain radiation. She fought hard for several months with new chemo and treatments.
On February 3, 2024, Our beloved founder passed from this life. Stacy embodied qualities of joy, positivity, support, hospitality, thoughtfulness, and generosity. Above all, she will be remembered as a devoted follower of Jesus. Her absence is deeply felt, but her legacy will endure through the foundation.

Stacy is continually supported by her husband, Micky, and their three children, Gentry, Ella & Nolen.

If you know of someone who is going through cancer who needs encouragement or support or who has an immediate need, please let us know. The Stacy Wolfe Breast Cancer Foundation has a prayer that many will see God's love in every big and small action that is done!